Sunday, August 2, 2015

Yoga Camp!

We're immersing ourselves in yoga this summer and loving every minute of it! Just finished the 2nd annual "yoga camp" (week 1).  It pure delight to be able to reconnect with students from years past and meet new kids in a joyful tangle of ages between 5 and 10.  
Our theme was "Hooray for the World" with projects and activities that consisted of an exploration of earth and sky.

We began each day with a bubble blowing ritual. Using our long, deep breaths to blow away anything that was tired or unhappy for any reason.  Bubble blowing is positively therapeutic! Please consider carrying a bottle of bubbles with you at all times.

Each day we pulled story stones out of a bag to learn or review a yoga posture.  After each kid got the chance to choose a stone we made up a story with them.  

The next day we would use each stone to do an "obstacle course" as a way to review each pose.
Then each camper went off to draw or write about their favorite pose-

The first day of camp we made a "mind jar" by pouring glitter glue into a large jar of warm water.  Then each day we shook up the jar and watched the glitter float down to the bottom.  This is a fun and easy way to introduce the idea of meditation to little ones. Each day we spent a little bit longer quietly watching and waiting for the glitter (and our thoughts) to settle so that we could be present in the here and now.  This was a magical time!  I hope you will make a mind jar to use at home.

There was a daily activity that involved paying attention in nature.  We went on a nature scavenger hunt, found objects and created nature stones.  

We also made meditation bracelets. These bracelets were designed to calm us and help us "change the channel in our brain" whenever we experience unpleasant feelings.  For example, the kids can touch a bead and remind them self to breathe in peace, and touch another bead  to remind them self to breathe out love.  Other qualities they chose to add to their meditations were joy, friendliness, courage and strength.

After we worked with the story stones for a few days, the kids picked their favorite poses, had their body traced in that pose and painted a life size replica.  It was a wild and wonderful time.  Everybody should paint a little bit every day.  It is so soothing  and yet delightfully messy!

The Ninja

The candle

The triangle

the dolphin

the lizard

Sponge boys!

Star fish girls!

We certainly had a mindful and fun time together! I will leave you with a short video that shows the yoga campers moving through their circular "obstacle course".  I hope you are as impressed as I am with the level of focus and concentration they exhibit as they move from mat to mat.

May you be peaceful and happy today.


  1. Thanks for sharing all these wonderful pictures of your kids yoga camp. Those life size body drawings look like they really got the imagination flowing.
