Saturday, December 3, 2016

Movement Breaks

Movement breaks have become a well worn groove in our daily routine. These breaks give the kids (and their teacher) an opportunity to take a well deserved rest from the rigor of our academic day.  During these breaks I try to build on the children's physical stamina, so that they become more and more accustomed to getting out of their comfort zone in order to learn new and wonderful things . I also try to give them the time to "get their sillies out" and connect with one another in light-hearted, kid-friendly ways.  
Here is a short video showing the kids taking quick movement breaks between lessons.  I asked the class to record their answer to the question, "Why do we take movement breaks"? There were a few brave souls who took me up on it! I am hoping that you will hear more and more from the students as the year goes by...